Corporate and Staff Publications

Abell JM, Hamilton DP, McBride CG (2016) Comment on “Using groundwater age and hydrochemistry to understand sources and dynamics of nutrient contamination through the catchment into Lake Rotorua, New Zealand” by Morgenstern et al. (2015). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Sci. 20: 2395–2401.

Abell JM, Hamilton DP (2015) Biogeochemical processes and phytoplankton nutrient limitation in the inflow transition zone of a large eutrophic lake during a summer rain event. Ecohydrology. 8: 243–262.

Abell JM, Hamilton DP (2013) Bioavailability of phosphorus transported during storm flow to a eutrophic, polymictic lake. Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 47, 481–489.

Abell JM, Hamilton DP, Rutherford JC (2013) Quantifying spatial and temporal variations in sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus transport to a large eutrophic lake. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 15, 1137–1152.

Abell JM, Özkundakci D, Hamilton DP, Jones JR (2012) Latitudinal variation in nutrient stoichiometry and chlorophyll–nutrient relationships in lakes: A global study. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 181, 1–14.

Abell, JM, Hamilton DP, Paterson J (2012) Reducing the external environmental costs of pastoral farming in New Zealand: Experiences from the Te Arawa lakes, Rotorua, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 18: 139–154.

Abell JM, Özkundakci D, Hamilton DP, Miller SD (2011) Relationships between land use and nitrogen and phosphorus in New Zealand lakes. Marine and Freshwater Research, 62, 162–175.

Abell JM, Özkundakci D, Hamilton DP (2010) Nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton growth in New Zealand lakes: Implications for eutrophication control. Ecosystems, 13, 966–977.

A.D. Buren. 2012. Should we hunt seals to rebuild depleted fish stocks? The Osprey, 43(2): 40-43.

A.D. Buren. 2006. Seabird conservation: shifting the focus toward ecosystems. The Osprey, 37(3): 75-77.

G.B. Stenson, M. Koen-Alonso & A.D. Buren. 2009. Recent Advances on the Role of Seals in the Northwest Atlantic Ecosystem. NAFO Scientific Council Research Document 09/40.

A.D. Buren, H.M. Murphy, A.T. Adamack, G.K. Davoren, M. Koen-Alonso, W.A. Montevecchi, F.K. Mowbray, P. Pepin, P.M. Regular, D. Robert, G.A. Rose, G.B. Stenson, D. Varkey. 2019. The collapse and continued low productivity of a keystone forage fish species. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI: 10.3354/meps12924.

A.D. Buren, M. Koen-Alonso & G.B Stenson. 2014. The role of harp seals, fisheries and food availability in driving the dynamics of northern cod. Marine Ecology Progress Series 511: 265-284.

A.D. Buren, M. Koen-Alonso, P. Pepin, F. Mowbray, B. Nakashima, G.B. Stenson, N. Ollerhead & W.A. Montevecchi. 2014. Bottom-up regulation of capelin, a keystone forage species. PLoS ONE 9(2): e87589. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087589.

A.D. Buren, M. Koen-Alonso & W.A. Montevecchi. 2012. Linking predator diet and prey availability: common murre-capelin link in the Northwest Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 445: 25-35.

A.D. Buren, M. Koen-Alonso, W.A. Montevecchi, J.T. Anderson, B. deYoung & G.K. Davoren. 2006. Modeling trophic interactions between parental common murres and capelin off the northeast Newfoundland coast. ICES CM 2006 / L:05.

A. Hedd, D.A. Fifield, C. Burke, W.A. Montevecchi, L. McFarlane-Tranquilla, P.M. Regular, A.D. Buren & G.J. Robertson. 2010. Seasonal shifts in the foraging niche of puffins Fratercula arctica revealed by stable isotope (δ^15N and δ^13C) analyses. Aquatic Biology 9: 13-22.

A. Hedd., P.M.Regular, W.A.Montevecchi, A.D.Buren, C.Burke & D.A.Fifield. 2009. Going deep: common murres dive into frigid water for aggregated, persistent and slow-moving capelin. Marine Biology, 156: 741-751.

Akaoka, K., I.G. McKendry, J. Saxton, and P. Cottle. 2016. Impact of coal-carrying trains on particulate matter concentrations in South Delta, British Columbia, Canada. Environmental Pollution, 223, p. 376-383.

Baki, A.B.M., D.Z. Zhu, A. Harwood, A. Lewis, and K. Healey.  2017.  Rock-weir fishway I: flow regimes and hydraulic characteristics.  Journal of Ecohydraulics, 2(2), 122-141.

Baki, A.B.M., D.Z. Zhu, A. Harwood, A. Lewis, and K. Healey.  2017.  Rock-weir fishway II:  design evaluation and considerations.  Journal of Ecohydraulics 2(2), 142-152.  

Buren AD, Murphy HM, Adamack AT, Davoren GK and others (2019) The collapse and continued low productivity of a keystone forage fish species. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 616:155-170. 

Bothwell, M.L., D.R. Lynch, H. Wright, and J. Deniseger. 2009. On the Boots of Fishermen: The History of Didymo Blooms on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Fisheries, Vol. 34 No. 8, 382:388.

Brock, C.S., P.R. Leavitt, D.E. Schindler, S.P. Johnson, J.W. Moore, and P.D. Quay 2006. Spatial variability of stable isotopes and fossil pigments in surface sediments of Alaskan coastal lakes: constraints on quantitative estimates of past salmon abundance. Limnology and Oceanography 51: 1637-1647.

Christie, K.S., Hocking, M.D., and Reimchen, T.E. 2008. Tracing salmon nutrients in riparian food webs: isotopic evidence in a ground-foraging passerine. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86: 1317-1323.

Clarke A.D., Lewis A., Telmer K.H., Shrimpton J.M. 2007. Life history and age at maturity of an anadromous smelt, the eulachon Thaleicthys pacificus. Journal of Fish Biology 71, 1479-1493.

Darimont, C.T., H.M. Bryan, S.M. Carlson, M.D. Hocking, M. MacDuffee, P.C. Paquet, M.H.H. Price, T.E. Reimchen, J.D. Reynolds, and C.C. Wilmers. 2010. Salmon for terrestrial protected areas. Conservation Letters 3: 379-389.

Davy-Bowker, J., W. Sweeting, N. Wright, R.T. Clark, and A. Arnott. 2006. The distribution of benthic and hyporheic macroinvertebrates from the heads and tail of riffles. Hydrobiologia, 563(1), 109-124.

Durston D.J. and R.W. El-Sabaawi. 2019. The utility of stoichiometric and metabolic theory for understanding intraspecific variation in the foraging habitat and excretion of Threespine Stickleback. Evolutionary Ecology Research, In Press.

Durston D.J. and R.W. El-Sabaawi. 2017. Bony traits and genetics drive intraspecific variation in vertebrate elemental composition. Functional Ecology, 31, 2128-2137.

Gomez, J. Lawson, A. Wright, A.D. Buren, D. Tollit & V. Lesage. 2016. A systematic review on the behavioural responses of wild marine mammals to noise: the disparity between science and policy. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94: 801–819. DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2016-0098.

Gomez, J. Lawson, A-L Kouwenberg, H. Moors-Murphy, A.D. Buren, C. Fuentes-Yaco, E. Marotte, Y. Wiersma & T. Wimmer. 2017. Predicted distribution of whales at risk: identifying priority areas to enhance cetacean monitoring in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Endangered Species Research 32: 437-458. DOI: 10.3354/esr00823.

G.B. Stenson, A.D. Buren & M. Koen-Alonso. 2016. The impact of changing climate and abundance on reproduction in an ice-dependent species, the Northwest Atlantic harp seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 73: 250-262.

Farwell, A.J., V. Nero, K. Ganshorn, C. Leonhardt, J. Ciborowski, M. MacKinnon, and D.G. Dixon. 2009. The use of stable isotopes (13C/12C and 15N/14N) to trace exposure to oil sands processed material in the Alberta Oil Sands Region. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 72: 385-396.

Faulkner, S.G., W.M. Tonn, M. Welz, and D.R. Schmitt. 2006. Effects of explosives on incubating lake trout eggs in the Canadian Arctic. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26: 833-842.

Faulkner, S.G., W.M. Tonn, M. Welz, and D.R. Schmitt. 2008. Effects of simulated blasting on mortality of rainbow trout eggs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137: 1-12.

Flint, P. L., J. A. Reed, D. L. Lacroix and R. B. Lanctot. 2016. Habitat use and foraging patterns of molting male long-tailed ducks in lagoons of the Central Beaufort Sea, Alaska. Arctic. 69(1): 19-28.

Ford, B.S.; P.S. Higgins, A.F Lewis; K.L. Cooper, T.A. Watson, C.M. Gee, G.L. Ennis, and R.L. Sweeting. 1995. Literature reviews of the life history, habitat requirements and mitigation/compensation strategies for thirteen sport fish species in the Peace, Liard and Columbia River drainages of British Columbia. Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. Pacific Region. DFO Manuscript report 2321.

Frassl, M.A., J.M. Abell, D.A. Botelho, K. Cinque, B.R. Gibbes, K.D. Joehnk, K. Muraoka, B.J. Robson, M. Wolski, M. Xiao and D.P. Hamilton. 2019. A short review of contemporary developments in aquatic ecosystem modelling of lakes and reservoirs. Environmental Modelling & Software. Accepted online March 27, 2019.

Ganshorn, K.D. 2002. Secondary production, trophic position, and potential for accumulation of polycyclic aromatic compounds in predatory diptera in four wetlands of the Athabasca oil sands, Alberta, Canada. MSc thesis, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.

Gibbs, M., J. Abell and D. Hamilton (2016) Wind forced circulation and sediment disturbance in a temperate lake. NZ Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 50: 209–227.

Girard, I.L., J.W.A. Grant, and S.O. Steingrimsson. 2004. Foraging, growth and loss rate of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in relation to habitat use in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick. Can. J. Fish. Aquatic Sci., 61:2339-2349.

Grant, James W., I. L. Girard, C. Breau, and L.K. Weir. 2000. “Influence of food abundance on competitive aggression in juvenile convict cichlids.” Animal Behaviour, 63: 323-330.

G.B. Stenson, D. Wakeham, A.D. Buren & M. Koen-Alonso. Density Dependent and Density Independent Factors Influencing Reproductive Rates in Northwest Atlantic Harp Seals, Pagophilus groenlandicus. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2014/058.

G. K. Davoren,, C. May, P. Penton, B. Reinfort, A.D. Buren, C. Burke, D. Andrews, W. A. Montevecchi, N. Record, B. deYoung, C. Rose-Taylor, T. Bell, J.T. Anderson, M. Koen-Alonso & S. Garthe. 2008. An ecosystem-based research program for capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Northwest Atlantic: overview and results. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 39: 35-48.

Harrison, M. L., N. A. Mahony, P. Robinson, A. Newbury, and D. J. Green. 2010. Vesper sparrows and western meadowlarks show a mixed response to cattle grazing in the intermountain region of British Columbia. Avian Conservation and Ecology 5(1): 1. [online] URL:

Harwood, A., I. Girard, S. Johnson, A. Locke, and T. Hatfield. 2014. Environmental Flow Needs, Approaches, Successes and Challenges – Summary Report. Prepared for the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment by Ecofish Research Ltd. July 25, 2014.

Harwood et al. 2003. Does dominance status correlate with growth in wild stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon. Behav. Ecol. 14, 902-908.

Harwood et al. 2003. Prior residency and dominance: their relative influence on territory acquisition. Anim. Behav. 65, 1141-1149.

Harwood et al. 2002. Intra- and inter-specific competition for winter concealment habitat in juvenile salmonids. CJFAS 59, 1515-1523.

Harwood et al. 2002. Sympatric association influences within-species dominance relations among juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Anim. Behav. 64, 85-95.

Harwood et al. 2001. Spatial and temporal effects of interspecific competition between Atlantic salmon and brown trout in winter. CJFAS 58, 1133-1140.

Hatfield, T. 1997. Fluctuating asymmetry and reproductive isolation between two sticklebacks. Environmental Biology of Fishes 49: 63–69.

Hatfield, T. 1997. Genetic divergence in adaptive characters between sympatric species of stickleback. The American Naturalist 149: 1009–1029.

Hatfield, T. 2001. Status of the stickleback species pair, Gasterosteus spp., in Hadley Lake, Lasqueti Island, British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 115: 579–583.

Hatfield, T. 2001. Status of the stickleback species pair, Gasterosteus spp., in the Vananda Creek watershed of Texada Island, British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 115: 584–590.

Hatfield, T. 2009. Identification of critical habitat for sympatric Stickleback species pairs and the Misty Lake parapatric stickleback species pair. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2009/056.

Hatfield, T., and A.J. Paul. 2015. A comparison of desktop hydrologic methods for determining environmental flows. Canadian Water Resources Journal 40: 303-318.

Hatfield, T., and D. Schluter. 1996. A test for sexual selection on hybrids of two sympatric sticklebacks. Evolution 50: 2429–2434.

Hatfield, T., and D. Schluter. 1999. Ecological speciation in sticklebacks: environment-dependent hybrid fitness. Evolution 53: 866–873.

Hatfield, T., and J. Bruce. 2000. Predicting salmonid habitat-flow relationships for streams from western North America. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20: 1005–1015.

Hatfield, T., and J. Ptolemy. 2001. Status of the stickleback species pair, Gasterosteus spp., in Paxton Lake, Texada Island, British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 115: 591–596.

Hatfield, T., A.F. Lewis, and S. Babakaiff. 2007. Guidelines for the collection and analysis of fish and fish habitat data for the purpose of assessing impacts from small hydropower projects in British Columbia. Prepared by Solander Ecological Research Ltd. and Ecofish Research Ltd. for the BC Ministry of Environment, Surrey BC.

Hatfield, T., N. Barton, and J. B. Searle. 1992. A model of a hybrid zone between two chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus). Evolution 46: 1129–1145.

Hayashi, M., G. Goeller, W.L. Quinton, and N. Wright. 2007. A simple heat-conduction method for simulating the frost-table depth in hydrological models. Hydrological Processes, 21: 2610-2622.

Healey, K., A.H. Monahan, and D. Ianson: Perturbation dynamics of a planktonic ecosystem. 2009. Journal of Marine Research, Volume 67, Number 5, pp. 637-666.

Hocking, M.D., and J.D. Reynolds. 2011. Impacts of salmon on riparian plant diversity. Science 331: 1609-1612.

Hocking, M.D., and J.D. Reynolds. 2012. Nitrogen uptake by plants subsidized by Pacific salmon carcasses: a hierarchical experiment. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 908-917.

Hocking, M.D., and S.M. O’Regan. 2015. Carrion communities as indicators in fisheries, wildlife management and conservation. Chapter 22 In: Carrion ecology, evolution and their applications (M.E. Benbow, J. Tomberlin, and A. Tarone Eds.) (in press).

Hocking, M.D., and T.E. Reimchen. 2002. Salmon-derived nitrogen in terrestrial invertebrates from coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest. Biomedcentral Ecology 2:4.

Hocking, M.D., and T.E. Reimchen. 2006. Consumption and distribution of salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) nutrients and energy by terrestrial flies. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 2076-2086.

Hocking, M.D., and T.E. Reimchen. 2009. Salmon species, density and watershed size predicts the magnitude of marine enrichment to riparian food webs. Oikos 118: 1307-1318.

Hocking, M.D., R.A. Ring, and T.E. Reimchen. 2006. Burying beetle Nicrophorus investigator reproduction on Pacific salmon carcasses. Ecological Entomology 31: 5-12.

Hocking, M.D., R.A. Ring, and T.E. Reimchen. 2009. The ecology of terrestrial invertebrates on Pacific salmon carcasses. Ecological Research 24: 1091-1100.

Hocking, M.D., C.T. Darimont, K.S. Christie, and T.E. Reimchen. 2007. Niche variation in burying beetles associated with marine and terrestrial carrion. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85: 437-442.

Hocking, M.D., N.K. Dulvy, J.D Reynolds, R.A. Ring, and T.E. Reimchen. 2013. Salmon subsidize an escape from a size spectrum. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London – Biological Sciences 280: 20122433.

Hurteau, L.A., Reynolds, J.D. Mooers, A.O. and Hocking, M.D. 2016. Salmon nutrients are associated with the phylogenetic dispersion of riparian flowering-plant assemblages. Ecology 97: 450-460.

Johnson S.P. and D.E. Schindler.2012. Marine trophic diversity in an anadromous fish is linked to its life history diversity in fresh water. Biology Letters 9:1, 20120824-20120824.

Johnson S.P. and D.E. Schindler 2012. Four decades of foraging history: Stock-specific variation in the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures of Alaskan sockeye salmon. Marine Ecology Progress Series 460: 155-167.

Johnson, S.P. and D.E. Schindler 2009. Trophic ecology of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the ocean: a synthesis of stable isotope research. Ecological Research 24(4): 855-863.

Johnson, S.P., S.M. Carlson, and T.P. Quinn 2006. Tooth size and skin thickness in mature sockeye salmon: evidence for habitat constraints and variable investment between the sexes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 15:331-338.

J. Morgan, M. Koen-Alonso, R. Rideout, A.D. Buren & D. Maddock Parsons. 2017. Growth and condition in relation to the lack of recovery of northern cod. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 75: 631-641. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsx166.

K.E. Lewis, A.D. Buren, P.M. Regular, F.K. Mowbray, H.M. Murphy. 2019. Predicting capelin (Mallotus villosus) biomass on the Newfoundland shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI: 10.3354/meps12930.

KS Dwyer, A.D. Buren & M. Koen-Alonso. 2010. Greenland halibut diet in the Northwest Atlantic from 1978-2003 as an indicator of ecosystem change. Journal of Sea Research 64: 436-445.

Lacroix, D.L., R.B. Lanctot, J.A. Reed, and T.L. McDonald. 2003. Effect of underwater seismic surveys on molting male Long-tailed Ducks in the Beaufort Sea, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81(11): 1862-1875.

Lacroix, D.L., S. Boyd, D. Esler, M. Kirk, T. Lewis, and S. Lipovsky. 2005. Surf Scoters Melanitta perspicillata aggregate in association with ephemerally abundant polychaetes. Marine Ornithology 33(1): 61-63.

Lagasse, C., L. Honka, W. Ou, W. Atlas, C.N. Hutton, J. Kotaska, and M.D. Hocking. 2014. Design considerations for community-based stream monitoring to detect changes in Pacific salmon habitats. Ecology and Society 19(4): 19.

Leal M.C., Best R.J., Durston D.J., El-Sabaawi R.W. and B. Matthews. 2017. Stoichiometric traits of stickleback: effects of genetic background, rearing environment and ontogeny. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 2617 – 2625.

Lewis, A., T. Hatfield, B. Chilibeck, and C. Robert. 2003. Assessment methods for fish, fish habitat and instream flow characteristics in support of applications to dam, divert, or extract water from streams in British Columbia. Prepared for Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection and Ministry of Sustainable Resource Development.

Lewis, A.F.J., and A.C. Mitchell. 1995. Effectiveness of water release as mitigation for hydroelectric impacts to fish. J. Energy Engineering. 121(2): 81-88.

Lewis, F.J.A., A.J. Harwood, C. Zyla, K.D. Ganshorn, and T. Hatfield. 2013. Long term Aquatic Monitoring Protocols for New and Upgraded Hydroelectric Projects. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2012/166. ix + 88p.

Lewis KP, Buren AD, Regular PM, Mowbray FK, Murphy HM (2019) Forecasting capelin Mallotus villosus biomass on the Newfoundland shelf. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 616:171-183. 

L. McFarlane-Tranquilla, A. Hedd, C. Burke, W.A. Montevecchi, P.M. Regular, G.J. Robertson, L.A. Stapleton, S. Wilhelm, D.A. Fifield & A.D. Buren. 2010. High Arctic sea ice conditions influence marine birds wintering in Low Arctic regions. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 89: 97-106.

Marriner, B.A., A.B.M Baki, D.Z. Zhu. J.D. Thiem, J.S. Cooke, and C. Katopodis. 2014. Field and numerical assessment of turning pool hydraulics in a vertical slot fishway. Ecological Engineering, Elsevier, 63, 88-101.

Marriner, B.A., A.B.M Baki, D.Z. Zhu. J.D. Thiem, J.S. Cooke, and C. Katopodis. 2015. The hydraulics of a vertical slot fishway: a case study on the multi-species passing Vianney-Legendre fishway in Quebec, Canada. Submitted Ecological Engineering, Elsevier, (accepted).

Mathewson, D.D., M.D. Hocking, and T.E. Reimchen. 2003. Nitrogen uptake in riparian plant communities across a sharp ecological boundary of salmon density. Biomedcentral Ecology 3:4.

Me W, Abell JM, Hamilton DP (2015) Effects of hydrologic conditions on SWAT model performance and parameter sensitivity for a small, mixed land use catchment in New Zealand. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19: 4127-4147.

Me, W., D.P. Hamilton, C.G. McBride, J.M. Abell and B.J. Hicks. 2018. Modelling hydrology and water quality in a mixed land use catchment and eutrophic lake: Effects of nutrient load reductions and climate change. Environmental Modelling & Software 109: 114–133.

M.F. Grandi, A.D. Buren, E.A. Crespo, N.A. García, G.M. Svendsen & S.L. Dans. 2006. Record of a specimen of Shepherd’s beaked whale (Tasmacetus shepherdi) from the coast of Santa Cruz, Argentina, with notes on age determination. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 4(2): 97-100.

Mueller, H., D. Hamilton, G. Doole, J. Abell and C. McBride. 2019. Economic and ecosystem costs and benefits of alternative land use and management scenarios in the Lake Rotorua, New Zealand, catchment. Global Environmental Change 54: 102–112.

Nelson, M.C., M.D. Hocking, J.D. Harding, J.M.S. Harding, and J.D. Reynolds. 2015. Quantifying the effects of stream habitat on the abundance of breeding Pacific salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (accepted).

O’Donnell, C. F., Pryde, M. A., van Dam-Bates, P., & Elliott, G. P. (2017). Controlling invasive predators enhances the long-term survival of endangered New Zealand long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus): Implications for conservation of bats on oceanic islands. Biological Conservation214, 156-167.

Paccard A., Wasserman B.A., Hanson D., Astorg L., Durston D.J., Kurland S., Apgar T.M., El-Sabaawi R.W., Palkovics E.P., Hendry A.P. and R.D.H. Barrett. 2018. Adaptation in temporally variable environments: Stickleback armor in periodically breaching bar-built estuaries. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 31, 735-752.

Perry, G.B. Stenson & A.D. Buren. 2017. Attendance and nursing patterns of harp seals in the harsh environment of the northwest Atlantic. Polar Biology 40: 151-160. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-016-1938-6.

Peryer–Fursdon J, Abell JM, Clarke D, Özkundakci D, Hamilton DP, Pearson L (2015). Spatial variability in sediment phosphorus characteristics along a hydrological gradient upstream of Lake Rotorua, New Zealand. Environmental Earth Sciences 73: 1573–1585.

Ptolemy, R., and A. Lewis. 2002. Rationale for Multiple British Columbia Instream Flow Standards to Maintain Ecosystem Function and Biodiversity. Prepared for Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection and Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

Quinn, T.P., T.R. Seamons, and S.P. Johnson 2012. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen indicate differences in marine ecology between wild and hatchery-produced steelhead trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:526-532.

Quinton, W., M. Hayashi, K. Blais, N. Wright, and A. Pietroniro. 2004. The Water Balance Of Wetland Dominated Permafrost Basins. International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Red Book Series Special Issue for the U.S. National Science Foundation / Northern Research Basins, Workshop on Circumpolar Water Balance, Victoria, B.C., Canada, 15 19 March, 2004, pp. 186-194.

Rees, K., I. Girard, D. Walty, and D. Christiansen. 2012. Bull Trout Conservation Management Plan 2012 – 17. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Species at Risk Conservation Management Plan No. 8. Edmonton, AB, 90 p.

Regehr, H. and D. Lacroix. 2016. Unexpectedly high detections of Wolverine (Gulu Gulu) in southwestern British Columbia. Northwestern Naturalist 97:246-251.

Regehr, H.M. and Rodway, M.S. 2015. First nesting of Osprey on rock pinnacles in British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 12:82-84.

Regehr, H.M. 2011. Movement rates and distances of wintering Harlequin Ducks: implications for population structure. Waterbirds 34:19-31.

Regehr, H.M., M.S. Rodway, M.J.F. Lemon, and J.M. Hipfner. 2007. Recovery of the Ancient Murrelet colony on Langara Island, British Columbia, following eradication of invasive rats. Marine Ornithology 35:137-144.

Regehr, H.M. 2003. Survival and movement of post fledging juvenile Harlequin Ducks. Wilson Bulletin 115: 423-430.

Regehr, H.M., and M.S. Rodway. 2003. Evaluation of nasal discs and colored leg bands as markers for Harlequin Ducks. Journal of Field Ornithology 74: 129-135.

Regehr, H.M., C.M. Smith, B. Arquilla, and F. Cooke. 2001. Post-fledging broods of migratory Harlequin Ducks accompany females to wintering areas. Condor 103: 408-412.

Regehr, H.M., and M.S. Rodway. 1999. Seabird breeding performance during two years of delayed capelin arrival in the Northwest Atlantic: a multi-species comparison. Colonial Waterbirds 22:60-67.

Regehr, H.M., and W.A. Montevecchi. 1997. Interactive effects of food shortage and predation on breeding failure of Black-legged Kittiwakes: indirect effects of fisheries activities and implications for indicator species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 155: 249-260.

Regehr, H.M., M.S. Rodway, and W.A. Montevecchi. 1998. Anti-predator benefits of nest-site selection in Black-legged Kittiwakes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:910-915.

Reimchen, T.E., D. Mathewson, M.D. Hocking, J. Moran, and D. Harris. 2003. Isotopic evidence for enrichment of salmon-derived nutrients in vegetation, soil, and insects in riparian zones in coastal British Columbia. American Fisheries Society Symposium 34: 59-69.

Reimchen TE, and JC MacAdams (2014). Population, sex, and ontogenetic differences in the procurrent rays of the caudal fin in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 92: 675-679.

Rempel, L.L., K. Healey, and F.J.A. Lewis. 2012. Lower Fraser River juvenile fish habitat suitability criteria. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2991: ix + 73 p.

Richardson, J.S., E. Taylor, D. Schluter, M. Pearson, and T. Hatfield. 2010. Do riparian zones qualify as critical habitat for endangered freshwater fishes? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67: 1197–1204.

Rodway, M.S., H.M. Regehr, W.S. Boyd, and S.A. Iverson. 2015. Age and Sex Ratios of Sea Ducks Wintering in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia: Implications for monitoring.  Marine Ornithology 43:141-150.

Rodway, M.S. and H.M. Regehr. 2014. Dispersal of a Red Squirrel across an alpine divide in southwestern British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 11:182-185.

Rodway, M.S. and H.M. Regehr. 2013. Current logging practices impact Coastal Tailed Frog populations in the Bridge River Valley, British Columbia. Wildlife Afield 10:26-38.

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